Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's Going On

Last night, Martin took Mia and me to The Eagle's Nest for our annual family holiday dinner, which due to finances, we've skipped for a few years.

It was nice. I had the prime rib, which was pretty much a side of beef and yummy. Mia helped me with it. Martin had bleu cheese stuffed filet mignon. The view was lovely.

I've been sick this week. I'm better now, but really, I've been sick twice since we've moved to Indy. Is it all the churchiness in the air or what?

I owe the library over twenty dollars in overdue fees because my husband didn't return a Mozart CD. I don't even like classical music that much and I'm sure I never listened to this, but I'm pretty sure there is a wanted sign at the library that says to shoot me on sight.

We got my in-laws the coolest Christmas present. It's 7.5 inch digital photo frame that we loaded about 200 pictures on. Best of all, we can just add a memory card with more pictures. I know they're going to be so tickled.

Mia lost her first tooth. I can't decide who was more excited, Mia or Daddy. Martin actually went to three different gas station/convenience stores to find a gold dollar for her. He forgot to pick up my prescription, but he toured the Circle K and Seven Eleven to find a gold dollar for the tooth fairy.

Courtesy of my friend Marla, I read Survivor, by Chuck Palahniuk. It's the most effed up, crazy book I've ever read and it's bloody brilliant.

What's up with you?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Honoring Our Veterans and Service People

Sam and Martin on the day Martin and I got married. Sam is serving in the Middle East, his third tour. Thanks, Sam. Now, get your skinny ass home.

Speaking Of John Hughes Movies

Six Things

Holly tagged me a while back for this. I'm not much for memes but here ya go.

Six Things That Make Me Happy

1. Obama is president and the times, they are a changin'.
2. My family and friends
3. John Hughes movies
4. My dogs
5. A good book
6. Writing a good sentence that knocks my own socks off.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

True Confessions: I Like This Song. A Lot.

Reminds me of my mispent youth and the summer between graduation and my freshman year of college. Plus, I miss having a boat. Were stripper poles even invented in 1989? No, I didn't think so.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sea Change

To say I'm a little excited about the outcome of the election is a vast understatement.

I've never been ashamed to be an American, but I have been disappointed with the direction our country has taken. I felt hopeless, strangled, trapped on the hamster wheel.

What happened to the dreams my parents had for me? My life was supposed to better, more prosperous, with more opportunity, than the opportunites they had.

It didn't work out that way. At my age, I have a lot less than they had when they were ten years younger than I am.

Nothing is going to happen overnight, but we have a start. We have a new leader who inspries me, as I'm sure he does many others. He stressed unity, as in the UNITED States of America.

I'm so hopeful. I'm giddy. I've also been in a bit of a daze today.

Congratulations to Barack Obama, and to all of us, who have a reason to hope again.

Yes, We Can

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Time to pack your shit, Dubya, and GET OUT!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mia's Halloween

Mia won a $20 gift card in a costume contest here at our apartment complex. Luna went trick or treating as well. It's hard work when your your legs are that short.