Martin got me a new Mp3 player quite a while ago, since my previous one had moved back to Michigan with Dexter. I did nothing with it for a good two months. The new one is very high tech, but to put not too fine a point on it, I hate it. It has the capabilities to hold a huge amount of songs, and pictures and video (which I will never use) but nothing about it is straightforward. I'm sure I'll get accustomed to the necessary manipulations, but right now, it just pisses me off a lot.
I really need to work on the patience thing. Sometime.
I'm on a kick, lately, with Motown. Some of the songs I'm loving lately:
Martha Reeves & The Vandells, Nowhere To Run To
The Foundations, Buttercup
The Marvelettes, Too Many Fish In The Sea
Junior Walker, Shotgun
The Jackson 5, ABC
Stevie Wonder, Superstition
The Miracles, Shop Around
Part of this, I am sure, is because I have distinct memories of driving in the car with my mom and listening to CKLW and singing along. She also played it a lot at home, on this ancient radio we had on the counter in the kitchen.
I'd forgotten how much I love Motown music, and what sheer fun it is. Plus, it's got a good beat and it's easy to dance to.
I love Motown too! I like a lot of the early stuff best. The Supremes, Smokey Robinson, Four Tops, Temptations, omigosh...
Rick got me a Coby MP3 player for Christmas and it's really great. Don't feel bad, Lisa. I can't always get mine to work right either. Better still after I get some more songs loaded into it.
My first Mp3 was the most basic Coby available and I was just fine with that. This one is a Craig, and has the video screen, the multiple menus, blah blah blah and I'm struggling.
Sometimes, I need the KISS model. (Keep it simple, stupid).
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