Mia has a lot of children's books. I mean, a lot. Some were gifts from Margaret & Peter's friend, who is the director of the Howell Carnegie Library, and many of those are autographed by the authors and illustrators; some were given to me by an old friend, along with many many Disney movies she got rid of when her daughter grew out of them; we've also bought many books for Mia, as well . As a result, I have no idea where this particular gem game from.
Yes, dear and gentle readers, that is indeed a pile of poo on top of Little Mole's head. The blurb on the back on the book reads, "When Little Mole looks out of his hole one morning-PLOP!- something landed on his head. Little Mole questions each of his neighbors - a pigeon, a horse, a hare, a goat, a cow, and a pig- trying to find out whodunit on his head. They each deny the charge and as evidence of their innocence, they each show Little Mole how they do it." As in how they poop.
Mia and I read this book the other day, and Mia was a bit puzzled ("This isn't funny, Mommy") and I was just grossed out. And disturbed. At one point, Little Mole gets pooped on by a pigeon and I guess I understand that. Who hasn't been a victim of a random bird from time to time? Damn seagulls at the Jersey Shore pooping on my Subway.
But the book isn't funny, or charming, or cute. It's just....weird and disturbing.
Thank God it hasn't sprung off into a cartoon, right?
That's because its GERMAN. It was written by Heinz, Fritz, and Wolfgang. Of course its not cute or funny... Find me a cute or funny German. Great cars, too bad about their personalitys...
I'm part German, and I've got a great sense of humor! And what's funnier looking than a VW bug?
Sure Nadine. The car designed by Nazi Germany to mobilize Nazi Germany. Hilarious! As for being part German, you'd be humourless too if you had lived in Germany your entire life.. ;-)
I hope this link works (if not copy and paste it).
A German bedtime story. LMAO.
Throw the bloody thing away.
...and Ronni chimes in with the common sense answer. I like it.
Hey Lisa, I HAVE that book and went through hell and high water to get it! I heard it read at an Early Childhood Conference and then forgot the title. I spent an afternoon typing all kinds of poop references into Google until I finally hit paydirt! I love gross kids books and after spending 10 years reading to 4 yr olds, I've come to the conclusion that nothing gets a 4 yr old little boy to sit still better than some poop lit!
The German thing cracks me up! Janeane Garafalo had this great bit years ago about watching those weird Mentos commercials in the mid 90's and she got this puzzled look on her face and said tentatively - "is this...German?" It's lost in translation, but it was so damn funny. Then it came up a couple more times in her act. To this day my husband and I say it about weird stuff.
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